Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = pj4jbovgoog6avck5joetvuqg9 20241124192407 /tc/newsarticle/the-scale-of-family-networking/

The Scale of Family Networking

?The Scale of Family Networking

Hi everyone!?

Family networking plays an important role in providing emotional and social support to older adults especially when the elderly can no longer function independently because it helps promote empowerment, well-being, and social integration among elders.

A scale that measures family networking at the interpersonal level could help you understand the closeness of the family relationship of the elders.

Go and visit our Outcome/Impact Indicator Bank! https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/outcome-impact-indicator-bank/

You can find the Scale of Family Networking at the interpersonal level.

#FamilyNetworking #Elderly #emotional #support #socialintegration #NGOs #SE #MEL #impact #outcome #indicator