Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 0sisri7s875ui39c3iv9ts3br6 20250201203346 /tc/newsarticle/%f0%9f%8e%85%f0%9f%8f%bcmay-this-christmas-bring-your-family-full-of-love-and-happiness/

??May this Christmas bring your family full of love and happiness!

??May this Christmas bring your family full of love and happiness!


Wish this season finds you among those you love, sharing in the twin glories of generosity and gratitude.

Let the spirit of Christmas nurture your heart and home with love and joy. Enjoy the festival!??


#JockeyClubMELInstituteProject #HKJCCharitiesTrust #Christmas #Santa #ProgrammeEvaluation #NGO