Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = v143gitep6q9t3jp3v97pjpstu 20250201202457 /tc/newsarticle/international-conference-2-weeks-countdown/

International Conference: 2 Weeks Countdown

?Last Two Weeks to Register!!! – [International Conference on ‘Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment’]


On October 21-22, we are honored to have 3 keynote presentations, 2 plenary sessions and 6 parallel sessions covering a wide range of topics. There will be speakers from around the world including Italy, Australia, The Netherlands, Africa, Canada, Korea, Mainland China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong to share with us their insightful research and valuable experience on programme evaluation and social impact assessment. It would be a great opportunity for all of us to learn more about programme evaluation and social impact assessment. LET’S SIGN UP NOW! >>> https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13450485


To keep up with the latest news and updates, please visit our website for more information about the Conference:  https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/sc/international-conference/


We look forward to seeing you!


?More about the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project:  https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/


#MEL #HKJCCharitiesTrust #NGO #InternationalConference #ProgrammeEvaluation