Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = vnjcmsqtkl2132elbma3ia5gfq 20240419101457 /tc/newsarticle/%F0%9F%91%B5%F0%9F%8F%BCa-celebration-of-science-happy-darwin-day-%F0%9F%94%AE/

??A celebration of science: Happy Darwin Day! ?

??A celebration of science: Happy Darwin Day! ?


In 1909, the first International Darwin Day was observed. The goal of observing this day is to recognise Darwin’s accomplishments, foster scientific thinking, and educate the public about the importance of evolution as the cornerstone of modern biology.


? For more updates about Darwin Day, please visit:  https://nationaltoday.com/darwin-day/


#JockeyClubMELInstituteProject #HKJCCharitiesTrust #Volunteers #ProgrammeEvaluation #Darwin #Science