Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 7ei0kcco02ec4fb8fi27aa81bd 20250122181036 /about-us/advisory-committee/

Advisory Committee

Mrs. Helina Yuk
Co-founder, Social Work Mission
Mr. Bryan Wong
Head of Charities (Ageing and Elderly Care), The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Ms. Yvonne Chak Tung Ching
Director, Hong Kong Christian Service
Ms. Carmen Lee Shuk Ha
Acting Director, Social Work Services Division, Caritas – Hong Kong
Mr. Andy Ho Wing Cheong
Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group
Ms. Josephine Lee Yuk Chi, MH
Chief Executive Officer, St. James’ Settlement
Ms. Joyce Lee Yuen Sum
Agency Director, Hong Kong Children and Youth Services
Ms. Clara Kam Kar Bo
Department Manager (Medical Social Service), Hospital Authority
Ms. Dorothy Lam
Co-founder & Chief Catalyst, Dream Impact
Prof. Bernard You Sin Suen
Co-founder, InTechnigence Limited
Mr. Ralph Kwong Chiu Szeto
Honorary Chairman, Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing
Mr. Stanley Ho
Co-founder & Managing Partner, Society for Innovation and Technology in Social Work (SITSW)
Mr. Timothy Kam Wah Ma, MH, JP
Council Member, Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Limited