Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = qujp2agkdero4rr1npqhgctfl3 20241109180816 /newsarticle/%F0%9F%98%8Ddo-you-know-the-difference-between-formative-and-summative-evaluation/

?Do you know the difference between formative and summative evaluation?

?Do you know the difference between formative and summative evaluation?


Today, we will look at two common methods of programme evaluation – summative assessment and formative assessment. Even though both evaluation methods are initially designed to assess the effectiveness of a programme, they have different objectives and make use of data in different ways. Sometimes the difference between summative and formative evaluation can be ambiguous. Yet, how do these two methods of assessment contrast with each other? And more importantly, when should you choose one over another??  


?‍♀️?Here is the video for you to learn more about it https://bit.ly/3kYxAGS.



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#MEL #HKJCCharitiesTrust #NGO #ProgrammeEvaluation #ProgrammeMonitoring #FormativeEvaluation #SummativeEvaluation