Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = eutfgldhvqrvqau6vb7o5eab6b 20250201220244 /newsarticle/how-to-measure-the-ability-of-coping-with-stigma-at-the-individual-level/

How to Measure the Ability of Coping with Stigma at the Individual Level ?

?「How to Measure the Ability of Coping with Stigma at the Individual Level ?」?


Some groups of people may experience stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stigma hurts individuals by increasing more fear or anger toward ordinary people instead of focusing on the disease that is causing the problem. Coping with stigma refers to a person’s ability to use strategies to cope with the stress of stigmatization, which can help maintain a positive self-concept and self-esteem.

For related information on how to assess a person’s ability to cope with stigmatization, click here: will insert the link here


? Reference:

Ngai, S. S. Y., Cheung, C. K., Ng, Y. H., Tang, H. Y., Ngai, H. L., & Wong, K. H. C. (2020). Development and validation of the chronic illness self-management (CISM) scale: Data from a young patient sample in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 114, 105077.

Chesney, M. A., Neilands, T. B., Chambers, D. B., Taylor, J. M., & Folkman, S. (2006). A validity and reliability study of the coping self‐efficacy scale. British journal of health psychology, 11(3), 421-437.

Corrigan, P. W., Rafacz, J., & Rüsch, N. (2011). Examining a progressive model of self-stigma and its impact on people with serious mental illness. Psychiatry research, 189(3), 339-343.


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