Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 5chj9u9s9b1ec1h616d7t5ua2s 20250122190835 /newsarticle/the-scale-of-pet-engagement-of-the-elderly-at-the-community/

The Scale of Pet Engagement of the Elderly at the Community

The Scale of Pet Engagement of the Elderly at the Community


Hi everyone!

It was estimated from the survey that 241 900 households were keeping dogs/cats at the time of enumeration, representing 9.4% of all households in Hong Kong. 5.7% of all households were keeping dogs, while 4.0% were keeping cats. (Census and Statistics Department, 2019) ??

Pets are humans’ great companions, they will play and stay with you all the time. According to Cheung and Ping (2018), pet engagement has brought a significant negative effect on depression in older adults. It is a good idea to promote the elderly’s well-being and activeness by pet engagement in the community.?????

A scale that measures the impact of pet engagement of the elderly at the community level will be useful if you are working in this area!✨

?Go and visit our Outcome/ Indicator Bank: https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/outcome-impact-indicator-bank/community/services-for-elders/



Census and Statistics Department (2019). Thematic Household Survey Report No.66. Retrieved from https://www.statistics.gov.hk/pub/B11302662019XXXXB0100.pdf

Cheung, Chau-kiu, & Ping Kwong Kam (2018). Conditions for Pets to Prevent Depression in Older Adults. Aging & Mental Health 22(12):1627-1633. Retrieved from: https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_young_people/en/

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