The Scale of Provision of Social Support: People with Disabilities in the Community

The Scale of Provision of Social Support: People with Disabilities in the Community?


Hi everyone!


Do you know the positive impact of social support to people with disabilities? ☺Published studies have found that social support has a buffering effect on stressful life events and depression as well as great impacts on treatment outcomes.✨


?Come and check out the scale that measures the provision of social support to people with disabilities in the community in our Outcome/ Indicator Bank:




Zhou, K., Li, H., Wei, X., Yin, J., Liang, P., Zhang, H., … & Zhuang, G. (2015). Reliability and validity of the multidimensional scale of perceived social support in Chinese mainland patients with methadone maintenance treatment. Comprehensive Psychiatry60, 182-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2015.03.007                                                                                                                                               

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