Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 4o60u0c6s777jri04lio84av8h 20250202121515 /sc/newsarticle/including-the-dont-know-option-in-the-questionnaire/

Including the “don’t know” option in the questionnaire?

?A “Don’t know” option may sometimes be added in the questionnaire for respondents to choose, but how do we analyse the results from “don’t know” options? What should we consider when including the “don’t know” option in the questionnaire? Dr. MEL will give answers to those questions!

?See more details: https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/…/programme-evalua…/presurvey/

#MEL #NGO #SE #NGOHK #training #WebbasedAudioVisualLearningMaterials #Onlinelearning #programme #evaluation #questionnairedesign