Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 7ujqfuieagl9tfp9aft5sr2s9q 20250202121455 /sc/newsarticle/world-autism-awareness-day-2/

World Autism Awareness Day

This year comes to the 14th World Autism Awareness Day. According to the 協康會, the estimated population with autism aged 35 or below in Hong Kong is around 45,000.?  Let’s wear in blue today to show our support and care to the people with autism spectrum disorder. ?


? Reference: 香港自閉青年服務數目. (n.d.). 協康會 – 自閉青年服務. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from https://ssap.heephong.org/tc/content/%E6%95%B8%E7%9B%AE


#WorldAutismAwarenessDay #socialinclusion #MEL #Lightitupblue  #AutismAwareness