Cinzia CANALI教授

Cinzia CANALI教授
Emanuela Zancan Foundation (意大利)

Since 2018, Prof. CANALI is directing the ‘Emanuela Zancan’ Foundation, a Center for Study and Social Research founded in 1964 and based in Padua (www.fondazionezancan.it). She graduated in Statistics at the University of Padua. She coordinates PersonaLab, a multicenter research program involving Italian and foreign partners in evaluating the effectiveness of care processes and the group of researchers involved in the evaluation of the social impact of different projects, at local, regional and national level. She is Board member of the Italian Institute for Public Policy Analysis – INAPP. She is in the editorial board of the journal Studi Zancan, a bi-monthly monthly journal included in the Anvur (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) list of area 1 scientific journals. At international level she is Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Children and Youth Services Review” (CYSR). She is one of the founding members and current President of the International Association for Outcome-based Evaluation and Research on Family and Children’s Services [founded by the Fondazione “E. Zancan” Onlus, Boston College and 28 experts from three continents (America, Europe, Australia)] (www.iaober.org).


