Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = kr6m2prdhm44ng2e0prnmr8ni0 20240501105603 /tc/newsarticle/%F0%9F%93%8Ado-you-know-what-you-may-need-to-consider-for-estimation-of-sample-size/

?Do you know what you may need to consider for estimation of sample size?

The sample size is a key component that may affect the accurateness and result of your study. ?Do you know what you may need to consider for estimation of sample size? Calculation of sample size requires three things: a desired level of power, a desired level of significance (alpha) and a clinically meaningful difference.?


?Check out the video here to see the calculation of sample size: https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/web-based-audio-visual-learning-materials/programme-evaluation-and-impact-assessment-4/presurvey/


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