Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 5t6bos1mtt5bsqa10b1po54udd 20241110003612 /tc/newsarticle/lets-explore-what-the-ngo-practitioners-should-aware-of-when-collecting-those-data/

Let’s explore what the NGO practitioners should aware of when collecting those data

Nowadays, more and more people concern about their personal data, while the collection of demographic data is important for programme evaluation. ? Let’s explore the reasons behind and what the NGO practitioners should aware of when collecting those data at our MEL community???:  https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/communities/what-is-the-rationale-of-collecting-social-demographic-data-will-that-violate-the-privacy-rule

#MEL #NGO #SE #NGOHK #ideaexchange #personaldata #demographicdata #evaluation #OnlineCommunityofPractice #OCOP