Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = bn11bk8gbr1p1qbkgr1mqstf9k 20241231013919 /newsarticle/register-now-at-our-ocop/

Register now at our OCOP!

Have you joined our Online Community of Practice (OCOP)? Experts from the academic and professionals from the social service field will be there to answer any of your questions! It is entirely free to the public! Register now: https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/online-community-of-prac…/✍️✍️

As a key part of the MEL Institute Project, OCOP is an online sharing space for people in the social service field to exchange ideas and project experiences, share available resources, build OCOP networks, and find new collaborative partners. ☘️

#MEL #NGO #SE #NGOHK #OCOP #LearningForum #OnlineLearning #Ideaexchange