Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 031d96tibbd0fm4n8192eovccg 20241222150205 /newsarticle/do-you-find-it-difficult-to-cultivate-the-culture-of-programme-evaluation-in-your-team/

Do you find it difficult to cultivate the culture of programme evaluation in your team?

Do you find it difficult to cultivate the culture of programme evaluation in your team?  ??

Organisational commitment and practice of transformational leadership are two major contributors which can help your colleagues get rid of the phobia of accountability.  ?

? Learn more at https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/web-based-audio-visual-learning-materials/service-development-and-monitoring

#MEL #NGO #SE #NGOHK #onlinelearning #onlinecourse #programmeevaluation #accountability