See how our winning team developed the evaluation plan for monitoring and evaluating their new project


?? [Outstanding Award Teams of the Final Project Pitching Day 2020-21] ??


?‍??‍? In Hong Kong, there are some young old who are unnecessary and pre-mature admitted to elderly home due to inadequate, timely, and personalised rehabilitation. See how our winning team developed the evaluation plan for monitoring and evaluating their new project in three areas: services effectiveness, social return on investment, and operation. ?Explore the full video at https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/sc/sharings/p7/.

?Project Name: Geriatric Rejuvenation Project – A personalised, holistic and integrative rehabilitative care for the young old to avoid pre-mature admission to the elderly home

?Organisation: @sracp.org.hk(FB)/ @sracp.hk(IG), @rehabsocietypage (FB)/ @rehabsocietyhk(IG), @WaiJiChristianService1979 (FB)/@ wai.ji.christian.service(IG), @PCCNHK 


More about the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project:



#MEL #HongKongJockeyClubCharitiesTrust #BestPracticesSharing #ProgrammeEvaluation  #Rehabilitation #YoungOld