Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 94fgj4snvdsl552do6q0l22kna 20250122054109 /newsarticle/%F0%9F%8C%9F-the-level-of-help-from-workfare-to-recipients-in-the-community%F0%9F%90%9E-2/

? ‘The level of help from workfare to recipients in the community’?

? ‘The level of help from workfare to recipients in the community’?


Workfare is one of several work-related activities that may feature within a broader welfare-to-work programme. Hong Kong, however, launched workfare while there was a relatively small social security budget, and its citizens were still strongly influenced by the ideologies of self-reliance. Welfare-to-work programmes aim to change the behaviour of welfare recipients and increase their motivation to work. The following indicator will give you an idea on how to assess the scale of help from workfare to recipients in the community: https://bit.ly/3HFfJ1u      


Tang, Kwong-leung, Bong-ho Mok, Chau-kiu Cheung, and Vivian Wei-quan Lou. 2005. An Evaluation Study of Intensive Employment Assistance Projects for CSSA and Near-CSSA Recipients. Hong Kong, China: Social Welfare Department.


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#JockeyClubMELInstituteProject #HKJCCharitiesTrust #NGO #ProgrammeEvaluation #workfare #community