Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 5jv8jj23e8r2gnfngq7tpcrucb 20241227105440 /sc/newsarticle/do-you-know-what-are-the-ethical-principles-that-need-to-be-followed-when-your-study-involves-children/

Do you know what are the ethical principles that need to be followed when your study involves children?

Have you ever struggled when facing low questionnaire response rate or too many respondents answering “don’t know” in the questionnaire that may affect the results of your study in the end?Do you know what are the ethical principles that need to be followed when your study involves children?Our web-based audio visual learning materials provide scenario-based video clips to share tips on “Service Development and Monitoring”, “Resource and Planning Management”, “Media and Communications”, and “Program Evaluation and Impact Assessment”.??

?Come and check out for more details: https://jcmel.swk.cuhk.edu.hk/web-based-audio-visual-learning-materials/

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