Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = 62ac4blqac296fnl21cj6qngnc 20240727090111 /sc/newsarticle/happy-international-volunteers-day-today%F0%9F%98%81/

Happy International Volunteers Day today!?

Happy International Volunteers Day today!?


Volunteers have been at the vanguard of medical, community, and social responses to the COVID-19 outbreak during the past two years.  It is a chance for volunteers and volunteer groups to promote their work in local areas. It also allows volunteers and organisations to celebrate their achievements, convey their ideas, and promote their work within local communities, NGOs,  governments, and the commercial sector.


? For more information about the International Volunteers Day, please visit:  https://www.un.org/en/observances/volunteer-day


#MEL #HKJCCharitiesTrust #Volunteers #ProgrammeEvaluation #Volunteering #COVID-19