The Jockey Club MEL Institute Project Press Conference

An online group photo of the participants

Top row (from left to right): Professor Steven Sek-yum NGAI, Ms. Debby Wai-ting CHO, Ms. Jolie Wai-fong CHAN, and Ms. Katrina Yu-chun CHENG
Bottom row (from left to right): Mr. Anthony Chun-kin LAI and Ms. Siu-wai WONG


The Jockey Club MEL Institute Project Press Conference

Supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Press Conference of the MEL Institute Project was successfully held by the Department of Social Work, CUHK on 5 May 2022 via ZOOM.

During the Press Conference, Prof. Steven Ngai, Principal Investigator of the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project, Chairperson and Professor of the Department of Social Work, CUHK revealed the outcome of the Project and how it helped non-governmental organisations (NGO) improve their services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges it faced, the Project has achieved encouraging results. After participating in the Project, around 90% of the participants have improved their performance in programme evaluation and their understanding of MEL. They have cultivated a MEL mindset and applied the knowledge they have gained in service.

In addition, the project team selected 10 Outstanding Award projects from 60 projects, in recognition of how they made use of the lessons learnt from the MEL Project to design innovative social services to adapt to our changed circumstances. Two award-winning teams have introduced their projects and shared their learning experience with the audience.

For more details, please refer to these websites:

Communications and Public Relations Office, CUHK  Epoch Times Hong Kong  Wen Wei Po