Manual Event (Session ID,DateTime,Event) = n4otg21qc73e4ss3gheunr1rg3 20250201221839 /newsarticle/jockey-club-mel-institute-project-final-project-pitching-day/

Jockey Club MEL Institute Project: Final Project Pitching Day

Jockey Club MEL Institute Project: Final Project Pitching Day

In 2020, more than 120 participants joined the 6-month Jockey Club MEL Training Programme, which included a 14-week Certificate Training Course delivered by overseas and local experts, and a 4-month Mentored Practicum delivered by experienced mentors.

The Final Project Pitching Day of our second batch of training will be held on 13 April 2021 (Tuesday).  30 Teams were formed by participants from local NGOs, and each team will give a 5-min presentation on their evaluation results. Five Outstanding Awards will be presented, and the winning teams will be awarded with a valuable opportunity to present their evaluation project at an overseas international conference!

Details of the Final Project Pitching Day are as follows:



13 April 2021 (Tuesday)


9:00a.m. – 4:30p.m.


  • Mr Bryan Wong            

Head of Charities (Grant Making), The Hong Kong Jockey Club 

  • Prof. Ilan Katz

Professor, Social Policy Research Centre, The University of New South Wales, Australia          


The Pitching Event will be conducted using a cloud-based video conferencing platform, Zoom. For those who are interested to watch, please register and a link will be sent out later.


You are cordially invited to participate in the Final Project Pitching Day. If you are interested in joining the event, please register via the link: www.bit.ly/melpitching (Registration will be closed on 8 April at 5pm)

For inquiries, please contact The MEL team (email: jcmel@cuhk.edu.hk; tel. no.: 3943 1709/ 3943 7508).

We look forward to meeting you!