
Session 11&12
網上分享會 MEL之旅——父親為本計劃:提升父親對特殊學習需要子女的參與
Session 8
First meeting with mentors and mentees
Session 7
Session 5&6
Session 3&4
Opening Ceremony and Session 1&2
Jockey Club MEL Institute Project Online Community of Practice Session (“MEL CoP”) was successfully held on 27 August 2024 (Tuesday)!
「賽馬會『衡坊』培訓計劃」 誠意邀請您參與網上分享會!
Exciting Wrap-Up of Sessions 13 & 14: Outcome and Impact Communication!
Exciting Update on Sessions 11 & 12: Outcome and Impact Communication!
Jockey Club MEL Institute Project Online Community of Practice Session (“MEL CoP”) was successfully held on 26 March 2024 (Tuesday)!
2024 MEL Training Session 9&10
2024 MEL Training Session 7&8
Mentored Practicum Mentees Meeting
2024 MEL Training Session 5&6
2024 MEL Training Session 3&4
Opening Ceremony and Session 1&2
What is web-based social technology?
Do you know that juvenile crime tends to happen on weekdays instead of weekends?
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
International Day of Families
Happy Mother’s Day to all wonderful mothers!
Today is Labour Day!
One week countdown to our first Press Conference!
Why is accountability so important to our practice in the social service sector?
When we are selecting a scale for measuring, we need to pay attention to the target population, reliability and scoring.
What is CSO?
Happy Easter!
The scales of coping with stigma at Individual level
It’s World Health Day!!
It’s Ching Ming Festival today!
World Autism Awareness Day
‘How to measure the hope level in the community?’
Data management system: What is it? How to start and develop one for your project?
?Let’s celebrate World Water Day together! ?
?Today is the World Down Syndrome Day!? 
How to decrease the possibility of making an error by using statistical decision-making?
Today is World Social Work Day!
Gradual memory loss is a natural aspect of aging.
May you have a happy International Women’s Day!?
Webpage of MEL Oline Community of Practices
Warm wishes on the Zero Discrimination Day
Do you know how to use various programme data in performance measurement, monitoring and programme evaluation?
Today is International Mother Language Day!
?‍♀️It is the World Day of Social Justice today!?
‘How to measure the older adults’ domestic generative acts at the interpersonal level?’
How to avoid the potential errors that may happen in programme evaluation?
?Wishing You a Happy Valentine’s Day♥?
A celebration of science: Happy Darwin Day!
Youth delinquency is getting more and more complex and pervasive
Webpage of MEL Outcome/Impact Indicator Bank
Today is the International Day of Human Fraternity. A pathway to the future!
?Happy Chinese New Year!?
Warm wishes on World Leprosy Day♥
? ‘The level of help from workfare to recipients in the community’?
[The MEL Live Broadcast Recording is now available online!]
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!!
Have you said Thank You today? It is International Thank You Day!
What pops up in your mind when talking about programme management?
How many times have you heard that the internet has revolutionized our way of life?
? Happy New Year! Make way for 2022! ?
?Happy New Year in advance!?
? ‘The level of help from workfare to recipients in the community’?
May this Christmas bring your family full of love and happiness!
Have a Blissful Christmas Eve!
How to estimate the sample size of a study?
Do you know the difference between formative and summative evaluation?
Which could be a suitable surveying method in the context of Hong Kong?
EQUALITY – Reducing inequalities, uploading human rights✊?
Happy International Volunteers Day today!?
End AIDs – Spread Love! Today is the World AIDS Day.
Computer Security Day is coming!
Let gather together to celebrate the Thanksgiving Day!!!
How to Measure the Ability of Coping with Stigma at the Individual Level ?
What makes an ideal NGO App?
International Day for Tolerance
The webpage of MEL Live Broadcast Record is now available!
Let’s start to use the Self-Learning System to facilitate your programme better
Come and join in this debate to better facilitate your service delivery
Thank You for Joining International Conference on Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment
Trick-or-Treat? No tricks, just treats!
?It’s International Internet Day today!!!
The Scoring of Health Maintenance Efficacy at the individual level
Thank You for Joining International Conference on Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment!
How do you cope with a low response rate?
Today is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Have you heard of using “Blockchain” for data management?
Final Call for Registration!!!- [International Conference on Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment]
Today is the World Mental Health Day!
A social worker has thought an idea of adopting virtual visits to solve this dilemma, but how could we know about the effectiveness of this new service?
International Conference: 2 Weeks Countdown
Happy Teachers Day to all the teachers!
Today is World Heart Day!!!
[LESS THAN ONE MONTH TO GO] International Conference on ‘Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment’
The scoring of work skill at the community level
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
This year comes to the 56th World Gratitude Day
Have you ever encountered “Don’t Know” responses in surveys?
‘My notion of democracy is that under it, the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest.’
[ONE MONTH TO GO] Mark your date now!
Have you ever struggled with selecting suitable approaches and methodologies to design an impact evaluation?
Aware that literacy is important to all countries and cultures
Do you know programme evaluation can help measure fundraising effectiveness in your organisation?
✨[International Conference on ‘Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment’] – Plenary Speakers
Work motivation scale at the community level
Thank You for Joining MEL Live Broadcast Sharing Session 2
The annual International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition fall on 23 August each year
[International Conference on ‘Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment’]-Keynote Speakers?
Today is World Humanitarian Day!
Why does my organisation need a communication strategy?
Last Three Days for Registration!!!
Happy International Youth Day!!!
What do we want our audience to know/feel/do in response to the campaign?
MEL Live Broadcast Sharing Session for August
‼️? New Webpage Launch Announcement ?‼️
The logic model serves as a top-level summary of how an organization or program achieves its goals
the 11th International Day of Friendship
how to apply MEL knowledge in evaluating the effectiveness of parental workshop in the project
Thank You for Joining MEL Live Broadcast Sharing Session in July
See how our winning team developed the evaluation plan for monitoring and evaluating their new project
Good planning is the key to successful programme evaluation
The depression of the elderly at the community level
Outstanding Award Teams of the Final Project Pitching Day 2020-2021
It is the World Youth Skills Day!!
Find difficulties in managing and collecting bulk data systematically?
Last Two Days for Registration!!!
Outstanding Award Teams of the Final Project Pitching Day 2020-2021
MEL Live Broadcast Sharing Session-SIGN UP NOW!
Learn the relationship between blockchain technology and social service sector
How to Use MEL Skills to Strengthen our Organisational Effectiveness
Inadequate knowledge about disease management and treatment regimens is the main reason for sub-optimal compliance among patients with chronic medications.
The difference between qualitative and quantitative research
United Nations Public Service Day
The hospital anxiety and depression scale at community level
Dad, happy father’s day!
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!!!
My 4S MEL Journey
When conducting programme evaluation involving children and youth, there is an important issue we should be aware of
World Environment Day
 Respect, Beneficence and Justice are important ethical principles for performing effective evaluations in social service organisations
Have you ever felt confused when selecting different types of programme data for the programme evaluation? 
World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
International Day of Families
The Scales of Grief in Personal Sacrifice Burden at individual level
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers!
Performance measurement, monitoring and programme evaluation are three essential service developmental processes
Do you find it difficult to cultivate the culture of programme evaluation in your team?
The Scales of social well-being at Individual level
The MEL Photo Album 2020-2021
World Day for Creativity and Innovation
Monitoring affords a deep understanding of the objectives of an organisation’s project, as well as of the plans to achieve those objectives and the indicators used to assess performance
Launch of MEL Alumni Website
[Final Results Announcement] MEL Final Project Pitching Day 2020-2021
Let’s explore what the NGO practitioners should aware of when collecting those data
It’s World Health Day!!
? ONE more week to MEL Final Project Pitching Day 2021 – ACT NOW! ?
Today is Ching Ming Festival
World Autism Awareness Day
Happy Easter!
EarthHour 2021
Are there any other innovative and alternative ways to approach hidden drug abusers?
World Down Syndrome Day
Do you know how we could measure the outcome and impact of a social service programme?
Alumni Live Broadcast Sessions are Available Now!
Happy World Social Work Day 2021!
The Scale of Friendship Quality of Elderly at Individual level
International Women’s Day
A good study needs to have “high power”, you can check out the video to learn more about the power
Zero Discrimination Day
Jockey Club MEL Institute Project: Final Project Pitching Day
MEL Alumni Live Broadcast on 23 Feb
What are the pros and cons of online counselling for young people?
The International Mother Language Day
Today is the World Day of Social Justice!
The Scale of Hospital Anxiety and Depression at Individual Level
MEL Alumni Live Broadcast Last Call
An effective programme evaluation is crucial to improve the provision of services. ✨
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! ?
Happy Chinese New Year to all of you!
Chinese New Year Eve!
[Mentored Practicum update]
Alumni Live Broadcast
International Day of Human Fraternity! ?
?Do you know what you may need to consider for estimation of sample size?
Final Pitching Day 2020-2021 – Registration details will be released soon!
When we are conducting hypothesis testing, there may be chances that errors will occur. ?How can we reduce the chance of errors? ?
International Day of Education
The Scale of Provision of Social Support: People with Disabilities in the Community
Many service providers have experienced difficulty in conducting programme evaluation due to the outbreak of COVID-19. ?Let’s see how we can adapt to this challenge! ?
We are now in the middle of the mentored practicum!
Do you know what kind of programme data that can be collected for performance measurement, monitoring, and programme evaluation?
World Braille Day
?Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas everyone!
The Scale of Preschool Anxiety: Obsessive-compulsive Disorder at Individual Level
Are there any principles or suggestions to guide people in preparing for the programme?
International Migrants Day
International Conference on “The Challenges of Outcome Evaluation in Human Services”
Check out our free course on the logic of hypothesis testing!
Human Rights Day
International Volunteer Day
What is the role of social work in social protection system?
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
World AIDS Day
Courses for public
Sometimes it might be difficult to start a project evaluation ?
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day
National Family Caregivers Month
Do you know there is a difference in the design of the questionnaire when the target respondents are different?
The Scale of Aid Adequacy in Medical Social Services
Courses for public
World Kindness Week
Meet our Mentors 2020 IV
World Adoption Day
Meet our Mentors 2020 III
Meet our Mentors 2020 II
Happy Halloween!
Meet our Mentors 2020 I
Session 13 & 14
Happy Chung Yeung Festival
Make a Difference Day
The four-month mentored practicum will start very soon!
Do you know what kind of must-have characteristics should a mobile app have?
Thank Your Cleaner Day
Session 11&12
The Scale of Schooling Motivation at individual level
?Project Forecast – Programme Evaluation and Impact Assessment
Session 9& 10
World Mental Health Day
Session 7&8
Happy mid-autumn festival!
Session 5&6
Do you know why it is important to conduct programme evaluation for your social service programme?
Session 3, 4 & 5
international Peace Day
Project Forecast – Session 3 & 4
The Scale of Pet Engagement of the Elderly at the Community
Opening 2020-2021 and Session 1&2
?Project Forecast – Session 1 & 2
?Project Forecast – Programme Evaluation and Impact Assessment
Project Forecast – Media and Communications
Project Forecast – Resource and Planning Management
Project Forecast – Service Development and Monitoring
Do you know what are the ethical principles that need to be followed when your study involves children?
Get Ready for the Training!
Best Practice Sharing – Outstanding Teams
What is the difference between validity and reliability?
Have you ever thought of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be useful in programme evaluation?
The Scale of Physical Well-being for Children
World Humanitarian Day
International Youth Day
How to boost the efficiency of resource management of an NGO?
International Day of Friendship
Do you know how to develop a ‘Creative Brief’?
The Scale of Family Networking
World Youth Skills Day
Join us on OCOP!
2020-2021 MEL Application Now Open!
MEL scenario-based materials
International Day of Cooperatives
Courses for Public
Application Deadline Extended to 17 July
Join us on OCOP!
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
2020-2021 Now open for application!
[Best Practice Sharing – Outstanding Teams #5]
[Best Practice Sharing – Outstanding Teams #4]
Happy Father’s Day
World Refugee Day
[Best Practice Sharing – Outstanding Teams #3]
[Best Practice Sharing – Outstanding Teams #2]
[Best Practice Sharing – Outstanding Teams #1]
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
World Day Against Child Labour 2020
The scale measuring the delinquency learning from peers
Check out our free MEL online courses!
2020-2021 Application Now Open!
MEL Live broadcast: Application of AI/machine learning in social policy and programme evaluation
Including the “don’t know” option in the questionnaire?
MEL Indicator Bank: The Scale of Psychological well-being of children in the community
Today is World Day for Cultural Diversity!
MEL Live broadcast by Dr. CHOW Yan Chi (27 May at 15:00)
It’s International Day of Families!
MEL project 2020 recruitment is open now!
Response rate of the evaluation is low?
Happy Labour Day!
Final Pitching Day: Result Announcement
Join us with Online Community of Practices!
Invitation to the Final Pitching Day
Do you know how to fully utilize the measurement tools?
The MEL Outcome/Impact Indicator Bank: The Scale of Self-efficacy about job searching
Invitation to the Final Pitching Day
World Creativity and Innovation Day
Wishing you a Happy Easter!
World Health Day
Invitation to the Final Pitching Day
Ching Ming festival
World Autism Awareness Day
International Day of Happiness
Join our Online Community of Practice!
Each for Equal – International Women’s Day
Free MEL scenario-based online courses!
Join us for free MEL courses!
Digital Learning Day!
World Day of Social Justice
Postpone of MEL events
Join our OCOP!
MEL Live broadcast on 20 March
World Cancer Day
Happy Chinese New Year from MEL!
Check out our free online scenario-based courses!
Register now at our OCOP!
Happy holidays from MEL team!
Final Pitching Day on 31 March 2020
Free MEL online courses!
Add oil to your Mentored Practicum
International Volunteer Day (IVD)
Come and join our Online Community of Practice (OCOP)
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
World AIDS Day 2019
The Scale of Reminiscence (Grief: Heartfelt Sadness & Longing) for family caregivers of persons living with progressive dementia
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
International Day for Tolerance
Meet our mentors VI
Family Caregivers Month
Meet our mentors V
Meet our mentors IV
Meet our mentors III
Meet our mentors II
The scale of social amity for people with disabilities
Meet our mentors I
The Mentored Practicum is getting started
衡坊培訓課堂花絮 2019
Session 13&14 — 培訓圓滿結束並為實習揭開序幕
Session 11&12
Session 9&10
Session 7&8
Session 5&6
Session 3&4
Session 1&2